St Helens – a Tasmanian pit stop

Flying out of Hobart back to the mainland, we did a scenic over Wineglass Bay then popped into St Helens for lunch, just North of Wineglass Bay and 30 min from Hobart. Beautifully maintained clay/gravel strip near the coast. There is a great bar/cafe a short walk away with very tasty and generously portioned food. Parkside Bar and Kitchen was an easy 1.5km walk along the foreshore. Read More

Everything you need to know about flying from Australia to New Zealand in a small private aircraft

We spent an unreasonable amount of time just trying to figure out how to fly a private aircraft to New Zealand and back. Here is everything we discovered through the process… and everything we wish we knew! Below we cover all the immigration and customs paperwork, safety gear, itinerary and information on some of the operational planning and ground logistics.

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Pit stop – Dingo road house

Almost directly beneath the most direct route between Bankstown and Hamilton Island, but in line with Emerald and Rockhampton is a little dirt strip nestled behind the Dingo Roadhouse. There are no refuelling facilities for the plane, but the food was fabulous. A great pit stop to stretch the legs and refill the belly. There were also cabins if you wanted to stay for the evening.

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When things don’t go to plan.

Originally, the plan had been that we would pop over from Blenheim to Nelson, fly into a little grass strip in the Able Tasman national park, then head on up to the North Island to explore. None went to plan, but they say that bad things come in threes so we should be right now! Also, it was an important reminder that the no matter how well you plan, a spirit of adventure requires you to embrace the disruption and unexpected, because that is the magic that creates the stories you make, leads you to the people you meet, creates opportunities, and steels the spirit such that at the end of the day you have an adventure that was earned. 

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Crossing the Ditch

New Zealand Flyabout Leg 1-3

Getting ready

The 24 hours leading up to our crossing I was a bubbling mixture of excitement and nerves. Ever though we had taken all precautions and gear, knowing the risks and the stats, it is a high risk trip and needs to be respected as such. While it is a risk we have taken, it was with our eyes wide open. We chose saying yes to a life of adventure, knowing that it was a choice for a a life well lived. Read More