Introducing Billy

So last week we made the big leap… and bought our own plane. It’s crazy stupid that we’re buying a plane before we buy a house… or even a car… but we value adventure and exploration and the feeling of soaring freedom over most material things.

With a call sign of PM we’ve affectionately nicknamed him Billy… Scotty didn’t seem to stick 🙂

Last Monday we picked her up from the Gold Coast, then headed to Mudgee to drop off the mechanic. Unfortunately we didn’t have time to stop at The Blue Wren – apparently delightful wine and to die for tasting menu and only a hop skip and jump from the airfield. Next time.

Unknowingly, the Ozrunway’s weather data was down and we flew straight into a major storm cell. For a few moments there I thought the adventure was over before it began, and the plane would be sold as soon as we landed… it was the first time I experienced extreme turbulence, and the only thing staving off my panic attack was my trust in my faithful pilot.

After landing safely, and surviving the worst, we are planning all sorts of adventures….

Am increasingly frustrated by the lack of coherent information out there on recreational touring in Australia. Please do reach out if you have any hot tips. I’ll also be sharing information as we tour.

Stay tuned.

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